Idioms are the spice of language, adding flavor and depth to our communication. They provide colorful alternatives to express common sentiments, making conversations more engaging and memorable.
Understanding idioms not only enriches our language skills but also enhances our ability to connect with others on a deeper level.
Join us as we explore 25 inventive ways to say “for the first time” and discover how these expressions can enliven your speech and writing.
What to say instead of “For the First Time”
- Inaugurally
- Maidenly
- Initially
- Premiersly
- Debutly
- Virginly
- Freshly
- Pioneeringly
- Inceptive
- Novitiously
- Primary
- Openingly
- Introductorily
- Virginally
- Inceptive
- Maidenly
- Innovatively
- Original
- Originally
- Initiatory
- Primevally
- Inceptive
- Inaugurally
- Initiatively
- Genesisally
Here’s the refined list of expressions that denote the first occurrence of an event, along with their meanings, usage, and examples:
1. Inaugurally
Description: Refers to the initial occurrence or introduction of something, often associated with formal events or ceremonies.
Usage: More suitable for formal settings, such as speeches, presentations, or historical accounts.
Example: “The president’s speech marked the inaugurally televised event in the nation’s history.”
2. Maidenly
Description: Indicates the first occurrence of an event or experience, reminiscent of the innocence or purity associated with a maiden.
Usage: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts, particularly when emphasizing the novelty or innocence of the experience.
Example: “Their maidenly voyage across the ocean was filled with excitement and anticipation.”
3. Initially
Description: Denotes the beginning or commencement of something, emphasizing its first occurrence in a sequence of events.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal settings, conveying the chronological order of events.
Example: “He was initially hesitant to try sushi, but now it’s his favorite cuisine.”
4. Premiersly
Description: Indicates the debut or first appearance of something, often associated with artistic or cultural works.
Usage: More commonly used in formal contexts, such as film premieres, art exhibitions, or theatrical performances.
Example: “The film received rave reviews during its premiersly screening at the Cannes Film Festival.”
5. Debutly
Description: Suggests the initial presentation or unveiling of something, highlighting its first public appearance or performance.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly in the context of entertainment or debut events.
Example: “Her debutly published novel quickly became a bestseller.”
6. Virginly
Description: Conveys the pristine or untouched nature of a first-time experience, emphasizing its novelty and purity.
Usage: Can be used in various contexts, from personal anecdotes to formal descriptions of events or phenomena.
Example: “She approached the challenge with a virginly enthusiasm, eager to explore new possibilities.”
7. Freshly
Description: Indicates the recent occurrence or introduction of something, suggesting its novelty or newness.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal settings, conveying a sense of immediacy or recentness.
Example: “The garden was freshly planted, with vibrant flowers blooming for the first time.”
8. Pioneeringly
Description: Reflects the innovative or groundbreaking nature of a first-time endeavor, suggesting leadership or trailblazing.
Usage: More commonly used in formal contexts, particularly in discussions of innovation, technology, or exploration.
Example: “Their company was pioneeringly the first to introduce sustainable practices in the industry.”
9. Inceptive
Description: Denotes the initial stages or beginnings of something, emphasizing its inception or starting point.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly when discussing the origins or beginnings of a process.
Example: “The project’s inceptive phase laid the foundation for future success.”
10. Novitiously
Description: Conveys the fresh or new quality of a first-time experience, suggesting a sense of novelty and excitement.
Usage: Can be used in various contexts, particularly when describing personal experiences or cultural phenomena.
Example: “They approached the challenge novitiously, eager to embrace new opportunities for growth.”
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11. Primary
Description: Indicates the initial or principal occurrence of something, highlighting its fundamental or foundational nature.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly when emphasizing the importance or significance of a first-time event.
Example: “The primary objective of the research project was to explore new avenues of scientific inquiry.”
12. Openingly
Description: Suggests the public or open nature of a first-time event, emphasizing its accessibility to others.
Usage: More suitable for informal contexts, conveying a casual or spontaneous tone.
Example: “They shared their experiences openingly, hoping to inspire others to pursue their passions.”
13. Introductorily
Description: Refers to the initial introduction or presentation of something, often used in formal or academic contexts to denote the beginning of a discussion or topic.
Usage: Typically used in formal settings, such as lectures, presentations, or written reports, to signal the introductory phase.
Example: “The speaker introductorily outlined the main themes of the conference before delving into specific details.”
14. Virginally
Description: Conveys the pristine or untainted nature of a first-time experience, emphasizing its purity and lack of prior exposure.
Usage: Can be used in various contexts, particularly when describing personal experiences or cultural traditions.
Example: “Their relationship was characterized by a virginally innocent bond, untainted by past experiences.”
15. Innovatively
Description: Indicates the creative or inventive nature of a first-time approach or solution, suggesting a fresh perspective or originality.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly in discussions of innovation, design, or problem-solving.
Example: “They approached the project innovatively, leveraging new technologies to solve age-old challenges.”
16. Original
Description: Denotes the authentic or genuine nature of a first-time creation or expression, emphasizing its uniqueness and distinctiveness.
Usage: Can be used in various contexts, from artistic endeavors to scientific discoveries, to highlight originality.
Example: “The artist’s original masterpiece captivated viewers with its unparalleled beauty and creativity.”
17. Originally
Description: Indicates the initial or foundational state of something, suggesting its inherent nature or essence from the beginning.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, conveying a sense of authenticity or purity.
Example: “The concept was originally conceived as a solution to a pressing societal issue.”
18. Initiatory
Description: Reflects the initiating or introductory aspect of a first-time experience or event, emphasizing its role as the beginning of a process.
Usage: More commonly used in formal or religious contexts, particularly in discussions of rites of passage or ceremonies.
Example: “The ceremony marked the initiatory stage of their spiritual journey.”
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19. Primevally
Description: Conveys the ancient or primal nature of a first-time occurrence, suggesting its connection to the earliest stages of existence.
Usage: More suitable for formal contexts, particularly when discussing historical or evolutionary phenomena.
Example: “The discovery shed light on primevally significant cultural practices dating back thousands of years.”
20. Genesisally
Description: Denotes the origin or beginning of a first-time event or phenomenon, often used in philosophical or theological discussions.
Usage: More suitable for formal or academic contexts, particularly in discussions of creation or origins.
Example: “The philosopher contemplated the universe’s genesially mysterious origins.”
21. Maidenly
Description: Conveys the innocence or purity associated with a first-time experience, suggesting a sense of freshness and newness.
Usage: Can be used in various contexts, particularly when emphasizing the novelty or purity of the experience.
Example: “The maidenly exploration of the uncharted territory filled them with excitement and wonder.”
22. Novelly
Description: Indicates the new or innovative nature of a first-time approach or solution, emphasizing its departure from convention.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly in discussions of creativity or invention.
Example: “Their novelly designed product revolutionized the industry with its groundbreaking features.”
23. Primary
Description: Denotes the initial or fundamental aspect of a first-time occurrence, highlighting its importance or significance.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, particularly when emphasizing the foundational nature of an event.
Example: “The primary objective of the mission was to explore uncharted territory.”
24. Initial
Description: Indicates the beginning or starting point of a first-time event or process, emphasizing its early stages.
Usage: Suitable for both formal and informal contexts, conveying the chronological order of events.
Example: “During the initial stages of the project, they encountered unforeseen challenges.”
25. Openingly
Description: Suggests the public or accessible nature of a first-time event or opportunity, emphasizing its availability to others.
Usage: More suitable for informal contexts, conveying a casual or welcoming tone.
Example: “They openingly invited newcomers to join their community, eager to share their experiences.”
Final Thoughts
Idioms are the vibrant threads that weave the tapestry of language, offering a rich array of expressions to convey our thoughts and experiences. By exploring alternative ways to express common sentiments like “for the first time,” we not only enrich our vocabulary but also enhance our ability to communicate with clarity and creativity.
Whether in formal discourse or everyday conversation, idioms add depth and color to our interactions, making language a dynamic and evolving medium of expression.
So, the next time you find yourself searching for the right words, consider the diverse palette of idiomatic expressions at your disposal, and let your language soar!

I’m Ava Thompson, your expert guide at “English WRAP Up.” I’ve been immersed in the world of English language tests, helping students ace TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG. With a wealth of experience in teaching and grading, I’m here to help you master your English exams. Join me on this educational journey, and let’s wrap up your English skills with excellence!