What Are The Collective Nouns for “Frogs”

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Written By Noah Wilson

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Frogs are fascinating amphibians known for their jumping abilities, croaking sounds, and diverse species. These creatures are often found in groups, making them an interesting subject for collective nouns.

In this article, we explore the collective nouns for frogs, detailing what these terms mean and providing vivid examples of their use.

What Are Collective Nouns?

Collective nouns are words used to describe a group of individuals or things as a single entity. These nouns can refer to groups of people, animals, objects, and more. For example, a group of birds is called a “flock,” while a group of fish is known as a “school.”

Collective nouns enrich our language by offering specific terms that encapsulate the idea of many individuals acting together as one.

Best Collective Nouns For Frogs

  • An army of frogs
  • A colony of frogs
  • A knot of frogs
  • A bundle of frogs
  • A cluster of frogs
  • A chorus of frogs
  • A horde of frogs
  • A huddle of frogs
  • A troop of frogs
  • A company of frogs

Collective Nouns List

An Army of Frogs

An army of frogs refers to a large group, often moving or acting together, especially during breeding season.

Example Scenario

During the rainy season, an army of frogs emerged from the forest, heading towards the nearby pond to mate.

A Colony of Frogs

A colony of frogs describes a group living together in a particular area, such as a wetland or marsh.

Example Scenario

In the dense marshlands, a colony of frogs thrived, their croaks echoing through the reeds.

croaks echoing through the reeds

A Knot of Frogs

A knot of frogs depicts a tight, intertwined group, often seen when frogs gather closely together.

Example Scenario

On the muddy riverbank, a knot of frogs huddled together, their green bodies almost indistinguishable from one another.

A Bundle of Frogs

A bundle of frogs emphasizes a small, compact group, usually seen resting or hiding together.

Example Scenario

Under the cool shade of a large leaf, a bundle of frogs could be seen resting, their eyes blinking slowly.

A Cluster of Frogs

A cluster of frogs describes a group gathered closely in one spot, often around a water source.

Example Scenario

Around the edge of the pond, a cluster of frogs basked in the sunlight, their skins glistening with moisture.

A Chorus of Frogs

A chorus of frogs refers to a group making noise together, especially during mating calls.

Example Scenario

As dusk fell, a chorus of frogs began their evening symphony, filling the night air with rhythmic croaking.

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A Horde of Frogs

A horde of frogs emphasizes a large, seemingly chaotic group, often moving together in search of food.

Example Scenario

After the rain, a horde of frogs descended upon the garden, hopping energetically in all directions.

A Huddle of Frogs

A huddle of frogs depicts a group gathered closely, often for warmth or protection.

Example Scenario

In the chilly morning, a huddle of frogs could be seen on the log, staying close to conserve heat.

A Troop of Frogs

A troop of frogs refers to a group that moves or acts together, similar to a group of monkeys.

Example Scenario

Along the stream, a troop of frogs hopped from rock to rock, their movements synchronized as if by instinct.

synchronized as if by instinct

A Company of Frogs

A company of frogs describes a social group that stays together, highlighting their communal behavior.

Example Scenario

In the tranquil pond, a company of frogs swam together, their presence creating small ripples on the water’s surface.

Interesting Facts About Frogs

  • Frogs are found on every continent except Antarctica, with over 6,000 species identified.
  • They undergo a fascinating metamorphosis, starting as tadpoles before transforming into adult frogs.
  • Frogs absorb water through their skin, making them highly sensitive to environmental changes.
  • Some frog species can leap up to 20 times their body length, showcasing their incredible jumping abilities.
  • Frogs play a crucial role in ecosystems as both predators and prey, helping to control insect populations.


Collective nouns provide a unique and fascinating way to describe groups of frogs, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of these remarkable amphibians.

From an army of frogs migrating to a chorus of frogs singing in the night, these terms capture the essence of frog behavior in vivid detail.

The richness of the English language is highlighted through these collective nouns, offering a glimpse into the lives of frogs as they interact with each other and their environment.

Understanding and using these terms enriches our communication and deepens our connection to the natural world.

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