What Are The Collective Nouns for “Walruses”

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Written By Noah Wilson

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Walruses are large marine mammals known for their distinctive tusks, whiskers, and bulky bodies. These fascinating creatures are often found in groups, making them an interesting subject for collective nouns.

In this article, we explore the collective nouns for walruses, detailing what these terms mean and providing vivid examples of their use.

What Are Collective Nouns?

Collective nouns are words used to describe a group of individuals or things as a single entity. These nouns can refer to groups of people, animals, objects, and more. For example, a group of wolves is called a “pack,” while a group of dolphins is known as a “pod.”

Collective nouns enrich our language by offering specific terms that encapsulate the idea of many individuals acting together as one.

Best Collective Nouns For Walruses

  • A herd of walruses
  • A pod of walruses
  • An ugliness of walruses
  • A huddle of walruses
  • A colony of walruses
  • A haulout of walruses
  • A bloat of walruses
  • A crowd of walruses
  • A rush of walruses
  • A pack of walruses

Collective Nouns List

A Herd of Walruses

A herd of walruses refers to a large group, especially when they are seen together on land or ice.

Example Scenario

On the icy shore, a herd of walruses lounged, their massive bodies huddled together for warmth.

A Pod of Walruses

A pod of walruses describes a group in the water, highlighting their social and often synchronized behavior.

Example Scenario

In the cold Arctic waters, a pod of walruses swam gracefully, their tusks glinting in the sunlight.

glinting in the sunlight

An Ugliness of Walruses

An ugliness of walruses is a more whimsical and less commonly used term that plays on their perceived ungainliness.

Example Scenario

Basking on the rocky beach, an ugliness of walruses appeared clumsy yet endearing as they moved about.

A Huddle of Walruses

A huddle of walruses emphasizes their close physical proximity, especially when trying to keep warm.

Example Scenario

During the cold winter months, a huddle of walruses could be seen piled together, conserving heat.

A Colony of Walruses

A colony of walruses is used to describe a large, permanent group, typically seen during the breeding season.

Example Scenario

On the remote island, a colony of walruses had established their territory, with many mothers caring for their young.

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A Haulout of Walruses

A haulout of walruses refers to a group that has come ashore or onto ice to rest between feeding bouts.

Example Scenario

After a long feeding session, a haulout of walruses could be seen sprawled across the ice floe, taking a much-needed break.

A Bloat of Walruses

A bloat of walruses humorously highlights their large size and often rotund appearance.

Example Scenario

In the shallow bay, a bloat of walruses rested together, their large bodies almost filling the entire area.

large bodies almost filling

A Crowd of Walruses

A crowd of walruses emphasizes the density and social nature of a large group gathered in one place.

Example Scenario

On the narrow strip of beach, a crowd of walruses jostled for space, their deep voices creating a cacophony of sound.

A Rush of Walruses

A rush of walruses depicts their movement, especially when they are seen entering the water en masse.

Example Scenario

At the signal of an approaching predator, a rush of walruses hurried into the sea, their powerful bodies moving swiftly.

A Pack of Walruses

A pack of walruses refers to a small, cohesive group often seen traveling together.

Example Scenario

Across the frozen expanse, a pack of walruses could be seen making their way to a new feeding ground, moving in unison.

Interesting Facts About Walruses

  • Walruses are known for their long tusks, which can grow up to three feet and are used for defense, dominance displays, and aiding in climbing out of the water onto ice.
  • They have a thick layer of blubber that helps them stay warm in the frigid Arctic waters.
  • Walruses are highly social animals, often found in large groups that can number in the thousands.
  • Their diet mainly consists of benthic invertebrates such as clams, which they locate using their sensitive whiskers.
  • Walruses can live up to 40 years in the wild.


Collective nouns provide a unique and fascinating way to describe groups of walruses, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of these remarkable animals. From a herd lounging on ice to a rush diving into the water, these terms capture the essence of walrus behavior in vivid detail.

The richness of the English language is highlighted through these collective nouns, offering a glimpse into the lives of walruses as they interact with each other and their environment. Understanding and using these terms enriches our communication and deepens our connection to the natural world.

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